Friday, 18 January 2019

Interview: CHINE

Alright, first thing is first. Before we dive into all the music stuff, how's life?
It's great! We are all busy with work and our everyday lives, but the release of this album is a thing that we are all very much looking forward to! As with many other bands, this is our hobby outside of our ordinary jobs and commitments.
Speaking of new music, you have an EP coming out in March. What can people expect from “Like Vultures”?
They can expect a bunch of brutal songs, mixed up with dynamics and eerie harmonies! 
What was it like working on the release?
A lot of fun creating and recording new tunes together of course, but since the band members lives quite far from each other in Sweden we also met the challenges of any long distance relationship. None of that matters in the end however since we managed to put this EP together and we're finally releasing it together with a gig in Stockholm on the 2nd of March. We are very much looking forward to that, since the album has been ready since June 2018. 

Are there any touring plans in support to “Like Vultures”?
In terms of touring we will probably put more effort into that with our next release. This has been all about getting the album and the songs available and reach a larger audience. Of course we wouldn't say no to gigs if offered, but our priority this time has been promotion and marketing to try and increase our fan base.
While we are on the subject of touring, what countries would you love to tour?
Australia would have been awesome to tour.. I have been there a couple of times and metal is big down under! They have a ton of local bands who serves as providers of live metal music, especially since bigger bands don't tour Australia that often. At least not enough to satisfy the need. 
Who and what inspires you the most?
Recently I have become very inspired by bands who has played for a long time, and still keep producing great music and keep moving forward. Dark Funeral is one of them, doesn't matter if the line up changes, they keep on doing their thing and getting better with each album according to my opinion. 
What other genres of music do you listen to? Have any of the other genres you listen to had any impact on your playing?
We all listen to a lot of different music genres, everything from hip hop and punk through country and extreme metal. 4/5 members went to music schools (were we also met for the first time), and there you basically get educated in different genres and the styles that goes with. With all that in the back of your head you develop your own playing style adapted to how you want it to sound. 
I really appreciate you giving us your time today. Is there anything else you would like to tell us and the fans before we wrap things up?
I hope you will enjoy 'Like Vultures', and stay tuned for an upcoming animated video to the song "Nothing but Black" that will be released during early March. It's currently being produced by a very talented guy in Guatemala and it will take him many, many hours to complete. I have only seen samples of it myself this far, but it looks fantastic. Thank you, and have a good one!
For more information about CHINE visit their website and follow the band on Facebook.

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