Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Review: Salvation's End - The Divine Wrath of Existence

Salvation’s End is a group that manage to fuse the epic nature of power metal, the melodic aspects of traditional heavy metal, highly modern experimentation and a slight amount of groove metal which is used for emphasis, resulting in a potent combination that makes for an engaging listen.

On their debut full-length release, The Divine Wrath of Existence, fans have the opportunity to discover the roots of this highly dynamic and talented quartet from Detroit. Available both as digital download and CD with beautiful art, The Divine Wrath of Existence is on all levels, an engaging effort that stands up to anything else in the genre quite well. “Death of Reason” and “Languorem” seethe with an imposing darkness that many bands of this nature are unable to achieve.

Rob Lundgren is a truly a fantastic vocalist. His singing is filled with melody and he has an excellent range that suits the band’s compositions perfectly. Possessing an excellent range and a commanding presence, his performance here rests with the finest output going. Moreover, the instrumentation is top notch.

“Translucent Memory” is filled with emotion as the group embarks upon an impressive foray of varied moods. If radio programmers could think outside of the very narrow box that they impose upon the public, this song would be enormously popular. “Climb the Cross” is vibrant and aggressive, with Lundgren’s highly emotive vocals pushing this track into the stratosphere as the band employs an extremely dark take on modern rock rhythms and harmonies. Salvation’s End is amongst the most creative and talented of bands playing this progressive style of music in 2018.

The Divine Wrath of Existence does not fail to disappoint as any fan of the group’s current direction will find this to be a highly entertaining release that offers up everything that fans of this genre love. Grab it from Bandcamp.

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